Welcome to the world of Arthanus – home of Big Bodacious Barbarians and other Arthanus chronicles.
The planet of Arthanus is located near the center of our universe. Events in Big Bodacious Barbarians take place during the Second Age.
The First Age was relatively short-lived. Only the Immortal Dragons existed during that time. The Good and the Evil Dragons fought earth-shattering battles against each other – that almost destroyed the planet. A truce was eventually made, which led to the dawn of the Second Age.
Over eons of time, the Immortal Dragons created mortal sentient beings. The Good Dragons created Humans, Giants, NympElves and other races of light. The Evil Dragons however, created the various WarOrk warbands and other monsters of darkness.
Although there’s a truce between the Good and Evil Dragons, that does not mean they won’t challenge each other once in a while. If you see a Good Dragoness arguing against an Evil Dragoness, its best to let them hash it out and not get in their way. Eventually they’ll both calm down and go their separate ways.
None of the Immortal Dragons want a resurgence of the great wars that almost destroyed their only home; Arthanus.

PLANET LOCATION: Near the center of our known universe.
The Five Dominant Species of Arthanus

Humans are one of the dominant species, in the world of Arthanus. Adult Humans usually range in height from 5 to 6 feet tall. Humans have an average lifespan of 100 years. This lifespan is shorter than GIANTS, NymphElves and of course DRAGONS (who are immortal). Although Humans are physically weaker than the other species, they are the most resilient and very inventive.
The Human population is the greatest, compared to the other species. This advantage allows them to amass great armies to fight against evil WarOrks and other monsters. Although it’s considered “taboo”, Humans would sometimes mate with GIANTS. No offspring can be created from this union.

WarOrks are one of the dominant species, in the world of Arthanus. Adult WarOrks usually range in height from 7 to 8 feet tall. These nomadic beasts travel across the land; raping, pillaging and murdering. WarOrks have an average lifespan of 50 years – which is shorter than the lifespans of the other species. They make up for this shortage by having many offspring.
Like GIANTS, WarOrks are known for their great strength. However, unlike the other species, WarOrks are also known for their relatively low intelligence. WarOrk males can only mate with WarOrk females – as none of the other dominant species have any interest in mating with them.

NymphElves are one of the dominant species, in the world of Arthanus. Adult NymphElves usually range in height from 7 to 8 feet tall. NymphElves are an all-female species. They usually reside near coastal cities and towns, due to the fact that their magical abilities are mainly water-based.
The average lifespan of a NymphElf is 200 years; unlike Humans, who have an average lifespan of 100 years. As an all-female species, they usually marry and mate with Human males in order to procreate. If you choose to marry and mate with a NymphElf, note that your children will also be NymphElves – not Humans.

GIANTS are one of the dominant species, in the world of Arthanus. Unlike adult Humans, adult GIANTS can grow in height from 9 to 10 feet tall. Humans have an average lifespan of 100 years. GIANTS however, have an average lifespan of 500 years. GIANTS are well known for their great strength and are formidable warriors on the battlefield.
Although GIANTS and Humans are considered as “cousin” species, mating between the 2 species does not produce offspring. This is why GIANT females need to marry and mate with GIANT males in order to maintain their relatively smaller population.

There are 24 Good Immortal Dragons – 23 female and 1 male. The 1 male Dragon is known as “The Grand Overseer”. He oversees everything that goes on in the world of Arthanus. He is only seen on rare occasions, for he is a God-Tier Dragon, living on his sky-island.
The other Good Dragons also have their own private islands (at ground level). These islands are imbued with good magic energy, beautiful forests and waterfalls. The fruits and vegetables on these islands are always in-season, so there’s always an abundance of food to eat.
Unlike the Evil Dragons, the Good Dragons are ALL herbivores.
The Good Dragons can breathe fire – but they avoid this practice. Continuous fire breathing eventually leads to Dragon’s Breath – a permanent mouth stench, that only the Evil Dragons enjoy.
Instead of breathing fire, the Good Dragons prefer to use various Fire Spells and other forms of good magic. You can also easily identify a Good Female Dragon via her “Dragoness Love Tattoo”.
The Good Dragons enjoy cleanliness and their bodies naturally produce sweet-smelling pheromones. They take refreshing waterfall baths at least twice per day and they also clean their dens daily by using simple Cleaning Spells.
The Good Female Dragons have an affinity towards human males – but the only way to mate with a Good Female Dragon is through marriage.
If a Good Female Dragon invites you to her private island, the possibility of marriage is very high. Marrying a Good Female Dragon is an immense privilege – so don’t screw it up.
Once married, a Good Female Dragon will gladly let you drink your daily supply of Pure Good Dragon’s Milk – directly from her plump, large breasts. The milk is a pure white, sweet tasting, thick syrup, imbued with potent magical properties.
Your body will be permanently upgraded in order to mate with your Dragon wife. Her milk will enhance you in multiple ways. Muscle and bone density – and even your penis size – will be vastly improved. When you’re not at home, make sure to wear a loincloth to cover your large penis.
Marriage to a Good Female Dragon is a life-bond and her milk will only be given to you. She will also protect you from any harm – including attacks from Evil Dragons.
The average human lifespan in the world of Arthanus is 100 years. However, if you are chosen to marry a Good Female Immortal Dragon, your lifespan will be extended by 7 to 8 thousand years.
With your extended lifespan, you will have lots of “quality time” with your loyal and very loving, Dragon wife. She’ll gladly take care of all your needs – and, as a token of her love, she’ll also give you a portion of her vast treasure collection.
Lucky is the man who is chosen to marry 1 of the 23 Good Female Immortal Dragons of Arthanus.

There are 24 Evil Immortal Dragons – 23 female and 1 male. The 1 male Dragon is known as “The Great Malice”. He oversees everything that goes on in the world of Arthanus. He is only seen above ground on rare occasions, for he is a God-Tier Dragon, living in the vast underground network that spans across the world.
The other Evil Dragons have their own private islands (at ground level). These islands are imbued with dark magic energy. Death, decay and destruction permeate on these islands.
Unlike the Good Dragons, the Evil Dragons are ALL carnivores.
The Evil Dragons are not very good at using magic. They prefer to rely on their brute strength and their fire-breathing abilities. Continuous fire breathing eventually leads to Dragon’s Breath – a permanent mouth stench, that only the Evil Dragons enjoy.
The Evil Dragons abhor cleanliness and their bodies naturally produce foul-smelling pheromones. They take lava baths and their dens are an abhorrent mess of hoarded treasures and the long dead remains of their victims. The stench of sulfur and rotting flesh is a telltale sign that an Evil Dragon is near.
In the world of Arthanus, the Evil Dragons consider humans and other sentient species as either slaves (to work in their mines) or as food.
Unlike the Good Female Dragons, no one wants to marry any of the Evil Female Dragons.
If an Evil Female Dragon kidnaps you and takes you to her private island, you’ll never be seen again. You will either become a slave or a meal (usually both).
The milk from an Evil Female Dragon is used as a slave-toxin. The milk is a pure black, foul tasting, thick syrup – that all slaves are forced to drink daily, directly from her large breasts. Slaves must rely on this foul concoction in order to survive the horrible conditions of the mines.
If you are caught and used as a slave in one of these mines, expect your lifespan to be greatly reduced. Slaves usually survive for an average of 3 years, before their bodies begin to rapidly deteriorate.
When you are no longer deemed useful, the Evil Female Dragon will simply eat you. Any remaining body parts are given to the other slaves to fight over.
It’s a horrible existence when you are caught in the claws of such evil beings.
Woe betide anyone who is taken by 1 of the 23 Evil Female Immortal Dragons of Arthanus.