
Current Project: Big Bodacious Barbarians (Arthanus Chronicles: Vol 1)
I’ve already set up the framework for this project and the Early Access Version will be released soon. This game is both a Visual Novel and a Turn Based RPG. Since the game is still “under development”, there’s no official release date for the full version. Stay tuned for the Early Access Version release.

No Face Reveal. No Identity Reveal.
So don’t bother trying.
I am just a figment of your imagination.
About Concept Art VL
I create concept art for various private projects. I’m also currently working on my game: BIG BODACIOUS BARBARIANS!
My favorite program is PHOTOSHOP. I enjoy using Photoshop for painting and heavy photo bashing.
Besides Photoshop, I enjoy creating and modifying environments and props using Vue 3D, FlowScape and Blender.
I also enjoy using Daz Studio, for creating characters for my environments.

About "AI Art"
People have been pestering me, trying to make me use “AI Art”, so here’s my stance on the matter.
I have no interest in the “AI Art” drama – and I take no part in that stuff. I enjoy creating my own artwork with the programs mentioned above. If other people want to use it, that’s their business – not mine. “AI Art” has too much drama – and I want absolutely no part in that drama. Did I make it clear that I want no part in that drama?
I also do not entertain any discussions about “AI Art” on this website or on any of my other portals. If you try to berate me with it, I’ll just simply ignore you. If you have a problem with me ignoring your “AI Art” drama, you are free to go somewhere else.

My Favorite Programs
ADOBE PHOTOSHOP: This is my GO-TO program. I’ve been using Photoshop since the release of version 7 – and I’ll continue using it for as long as I can.
ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR & ADOBE INDESIGN: I sometimes create marketing designs for various companies (brochures, flyers, etc.) and these programs do play a role in my designs.
BLENDER: A good program for creating certain props for my designs. I was a user of Cinema 4D, but I recently decided to switch over to Blender.
DAZ STUDIO: Another one of my favorite programs. Over the years, I’ve created and also collected lots of characters for Daz Studio.
E-ON SOFTWARE VUE 3D: Vue 3D is now FREE! Yes, you can now download this program, along with its asset packs. This is a program that I’ve been using for years. Before Vue, I was a user of Bryce 3D. I began using Vue from version 4 – never looked back since.
FLOWSCAPE: This is another landscape creation tool. It’s based on the Unity Engine. It’s also easy to learn.
UNREAL ENGINE: Frankly speaking, I’m only using Unreal Engine in order to grab and use the large collection of Quixel Megascans. The exported Megascan objects are used in other programs – like Vue 3D for example. To fully utilize ALL of Unreal’s features, I’ll need to get a better computer – but that’s not possible right now.